Hi all,
Recently one of my friends shared this thought with me. Infact, this has been in my mind since the time he shared it. He said, in Christian life, there are three kinds of testimonies....
a. Personal testimony
b. Others testifying about you
c. God's testimony
A. Personal testimony: This is important for every person. You need to have a good testimony among your friends, colleagues and your family members. Many a times, we do somethings in anger which spoils our testimony. We should be careful how we are when we are alone and when we are among people. We need to maintain our testimony with integrity.

Recently one of my friends shared this thought with me. Infact, this has been in my mind since the time he shared it. He said, in Christian life, there are three kinds of testimonies....
a. Personal testimony
b. Others testifying about you
c. God's testimony
A. Personal testimony: This is important for every person. You need to have a good testimony among your friends, colleagues and your family members. Many a times, we do somethings in anger which spoils our testimony. We should be careful how we are when we are alone and when we are among people. We need to maintain our testimony with integrity.
B. Others testifying about you: This is also an important point. You need to maintain good relationship with others and help others in time of need. Doing so, you become a good Samaritan. You can witness about the love of God when you do so.
But, what we need to understand here is that some times, our testimony and other's testimony may change according to the circumstances and time, but God's testimony never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When He testifies about you saying that you are a good person... how blessed it is. We can hide from people, we can act before people, but we cannot act before God. He is the one who sees us right through. We cannot be as hypocrites before Him. Lets now look into detail as to what God's testimony is from the Bible.
But, what we need to understand here is that some times, our testimony and other's testimony may change according to the circumstances and time, but God's testimony never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When He testifies about you saying that you are a good person... how blessed it is. We can hide from people, we can act before people, but we cannot act before God. He is the one who sees us right through. We cannot be as hypocrites before Him. Lets now look into detail as to what God's testimony is from the Bible.
God's Testimony: 
In the Bible God testified for many people. Let us understand about this concept with a few examples.
Firstly, we look at Abel, the son of Adam and Eve. Abel brought the best things and sacrified it to the Lord and the sacrifice was pleasing in the sight of God. He did not bring any 'old stock' or 'used stuff' or 'waste things' to the Lord. He brought the best from what he had and offered it to the Lord God. This pleased the Lord. That is how it is with us too. We need to give our best to the Lord. In fact, we need to give our best in every circumstances... In Colossians 3:23 the Bible says that in whatever we do, we should have the feeling that we are doing it for the Lord God. How true it is. We need to give always our best. Let us not worry about what will happen later, but let us be more bothered about giving our best to Him who created us.
Secondly, we see Enoch - the person who walked with God. It is written in the Bible that Enoch lived for 365 years and he walked with the Lord. He was a person who had direct communion with God Almighty. We need to be like that, we need to be so open and so transparent that God is freely willing to walk with us.
We also see Jesus who receives a testimony from God himself.
Oh, what a testimony - 'This is by well beloved son in whom I am well pleased.' We all need to get such testimonies from the Lord.
Ok friends, I will stop writing here. Will continue on this topic in the next blog.
Hope you will strive to gets God's testimony in your life.
Yours in Him,
In the Bible God testified for many people. Let us understand about this concept with a few examples.
Firstly, we look at Abel, the son of Adam and Eve. Abel brought the best things and sacrified it to the Lord and the sacrifice was pleasing in the sight of God. He did not bring any 'old stock' or 'used stuff' or 'waste things' to the Lord. He brought the best from what he had and offered it to the Lord God. This pleased the Lord. That is how it is with us too. We need to give our best to the Lord. In fact, we need to give our best in every circumstances... In Colossians 3:23 the Bible says that in whatever we do, we should have the feeling that we are doing it for the Lord God. How true it is. We need to give always our best. Let us not worry about what will happen later, but let us be more bothered about giving our best to Him who created us.
Secondly, we see Enoch - the person who walked with God. It is written in the Bible that Enoch lived for 365 years and he walked with the Lord. He was a person who had direct communion with God Almighty. We need to be like that, we need to be so open and so transparent that God is freely willing to walk with us.
We also see Jesus who receives a testimony from God himself.
Oh, what a testimony - 'This is by well beloved son in whom I am well pleased.' We all need to get such testimonies from the Lord.
Ok friends, I will stop writing here. Will continue on this topic in the next blog.
Hope you will strive to gets God's testimony in your life.
Yours in Him,