Monday, June 3, 2024

All about Times and Seasons - in God's hands

 Hi dear brothers and sisters, 

Today I would like to talk about the topic of Times and Seasons which are in God's hands. 

Many a times, we worry and lose our sleep over many things which we cannot control. We think too much and this causes us anxiety and we worry a lot. God is speaking to us today and is asking us to believe that the Times and Seasons are in His hands. 

This situation in Acts 1:7 tells about the time when the disciples of Jesus get panicky and ask Jesus about the time of his return. Then Jesus answers them and tells that the times and seasons are in the Father's hands and we need not worry. 

If we look in to the book of Daniel 2:21 - we read similar text: 'God changes the times and seasons'... How true it is, God has complete control and he has complete authority to change the times and seasons in our lives. We might wonder why things are not moving as we thought, but we need to understand that God is in complete control of our life and He is overseeing everything. 

In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11, it states that He has made everything beautiful in its time... this is also a comforting word. God has made everything beautiful in its time and we need not worry a bit. 

So, today, be encouraged that Jesus Christ is in control and the Father has everything set to happen in its time. 

May God be with you.