In the word of God, in Philipians 2:14 and 15, it is written "Do all things without murmur'. Also, in 1st Peter 4;9, James 5:9 and in 1 Cor 10:10, it says similar things.
The Word of God is specifically asking us not to murmur, and not to grumble.
Let us see some examples in the Bible:
1. In Exodus 16:1-3 - the people of Israel murmured about food. They said that it would better for them if they had died in the wilderness rather than coming here and dying of hunger.
They soon forgot what the Lord had done for them in the past. They forgot about the 10 different miracles that the Lord did for them. They started to grumble about food.
How much we grumble when we do not receive what we expect. We really react to situations and get into the grumble and murmur mode.

2. In Exodus 17:3, 4 and 6- the people of Israel are murmuring about water. They crossed the Red sea, they saw how the mighty hand of God helped them cross the Sea. But they soon forgot and started grumbling about water.
3. In Numbers 14: 1-3 - they complained about the promised land
4. In Numbers 21: 4-9 they grumbled about tasteless food.
5. In Numbers 11:1-3 - they grumbled about the tiredness on the way
6. In Numbers 11: 4 -6 and 10 - they grumbled and murmured that they did not get non vegetarian food.
They grumbled so many times and their constant murmur displeased the Lord.
The Lord God lovingly called them His people, but now he killed them on the way to the promised land.
Matt 12: 36-37 - Every word is recorded and you will have to give an account of every word that we speak.
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