Monday, August 30, 2021

Importance of Holiness in Christian life

 There is a question which many people ask me: 

Can holiness save us? 

Can holiness put away sin and cover iniquities? 

The answer is a big NO. The answer is that ONLY JESUS can redeem you and only HE can save us from all sin. In the book of Ephesians it is written that we are saved by grace alone and not by our works. 

Holiness is very essential once we accept Christ and start living a Christian life. We become the children of God and then we need to portray his image in this world. We cannot live an unworthy life and ask God to be with us. He is a Holy God and he cannot tolerate filth. 

Let me answer a few points as to why one should be Holy:

1. We must be holy because the voice of God in the scripture commands us to be holy. In I Peter 1:15, 16 is says 'Be ye Holy as I am Holy'. It is a direct command from God to be holy. 

2. We need to be holy because this is one grand end and purpose for which Christ came into the world. Jesus died for all so that they may all live a holy life which is acceptable and pleasing to the father. 

3. We should be holy because this the only proof that we love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. 

4. We need to be holy because this the only sound evidence that we are true children of God. 

5. We need to be holy because without holiness on earth, we shall never be prepared to enjoy heaven. 

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